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"Hits", Hit Counters and Statistics


In the parlance of the Internet, "Hit" is a much-abused and misunderstood term. Depending on the context, it can refer to a page visit, a single mouse click or a single request (pulling up an HTML page with 5 graphic images would be six requests). At, we avoid all this confusion by using HitList© server log analysis software. Examine our monthly statistics, and compare total requests(actually higher, but we have configured the software to exclude requests for graphics) against total visits. HitList© counts a group of requests from one user within a given time frame as a visit, which is a much more useful statistic.

Hit Counters

You might have noticed that we do not have a hit counter our main page. These counters are usually a graphic image which displays a number that is incremented by one each time the image is requested. Since it is often the last component of the page to be requested by a browser, if a visitor selects a link before the image is requested, that "hit" is not counted. Also, repeat visitors often "bookmark" a page and return by that route, never accessing the "home" page. For these reasons, hit counters are useful mainly for their entertainment value. We feel that HitList
© server log analysis software gives us a much more accurate indication of visitor activity at

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© 1998, 1999 by Patrick Flowers. All Rights Reserved
Revised 4/16/1999