The original GMC drink map tray was really quite nice since it was removable and did not interfere with access to the front seats. It was also useful as a tray for "veranda" seating. I was determined to retain the good features of this design. |
I used a 10 inch VCR/TV with a wireless remote and made a drink holder that sticks on the top. The whole thing is cantilevered from the slanted floor board at the bottom of the dash so there were no screws or mounting brackets. It looks like a TV hanging in space. I can slide my feet under it so there is no limited access to seats or the engine cover. |
The stand is made from ½ inch plywood. The stand is as small as possible so it is not visible from the front. Making it from thicker plywood might be better since there is some flexing when the GMC is in motion. The stand places all of the weight on the sloping portion of the floor boards. The aluminum angle slips inside the vent slot and provides the pull-back force to keep the TV and stand in place. I understand that this vent is not available on the older versions of the dash air-conditioning so another attachment might be needed. This bracket does not restrict the air flow since the air can go through the hole in the stand and exit out the front. |
The engine cover can be raised to normal access height or removed if required without removing the TV or stand. |
A dual twelve volt socket assembly is attached to the back of the stand so that the TV can remained plugged in all of the time and I can plug in my laptop computer or any other accessory. The twelve volt power is supplied through a two-wire connector so that the stand can be removed if needed. The twelve volt power is switched (see tech page CB and switch panel) so the TV is not powered up all of the time. |
The drink tray design provides for large cups and small soda cans in foam adaptors. The top is a flat table for maps or computer or "veranda table". Weight and size considerations dictated a "no cabinet" design. The table attaches directly to the top of the TV using strips of Velcro®. The Velcro® provides a good attachment that allows repositioning of the drink tray. A bottom plate was placed under the tray to hold the cups and to keep any drink spillage out of the TV. The drink tray is cut from a ¾ inch red oak board. |
I was worried that there might be some bounce with the TV at the end of the cantilevered board so I attached a swing down foot to support the front. The stand does not seem to need this foot, but it is there if needed. The foot used a spring loaded hinge like the ones used in the cabinets in the GMC. The TV is attached to the stand using flexible straps and clips designed for this purpose. The clips attach to the TV using double back tape pads and the straps are screwed to the stand. |
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